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20 CRNA School Interview Questions (And Why They Ask Them)


  • Why do you want to become a CRNA? You have to know this and your answer must be good. They want to see what is motivating you to enter school and what’s going to drive you to succeed in the program. It’s always good to have some personal story attached to this answer

  • In your own words describe what a CRNA does- They want to see if you know what CRNAs actually do. Did you shadow a CRNA and get a feel for the profession? Do you know what to expect when you start clinicals, etc.?

  • What is the difference between a CRNA and an Anesthesiologist? Here they want to see if you actually know the differences, and mainly they include the path of schooling each one takes. If you work independently as a CRNA there is very little difference in what you do as opposed to an Anesthesiologist. They want to see if you know the responsibilities as a CRNA, and your limitations, when working with an MDA

  • Are there any political/ legal issues involving CRNAs currently? Very important to come prepared for your interview with an article about current events in the profession. The AANA website is a great resource. Have something ready that you’ve actually read and are able to discuss

  • Diagnose an ABG strip and tell us how you would treat the patient- Review your ABGs and their corresponding treatments/ interventions. They won’t expect you to know anesthesia specific interventions, but be able to discuss what you would do in the ICU

  • Recognize/ diagnose an EKG strip and tell us what you would do for this patient- Same as above. Review EKG strips and simple interventions. Don’t get too detailed or creative as this can lead to more in depth questions and may get you into uncharted water

  • Run a theoretical “code”- Be able to demonstrate how you would behave under pressure. Remember that running a code involves delegating and assessing the room, not just pushing drugs. And ALWAYS remember to say you would call your attending and call for help. They want to see that you are competent but also able to call for assistance when needed

  • Why do you want to join this program? Make sure you have reasons why you want to join the specific program. This is your chance to kiss a little b*** and make them feel good. Make them believe this is your first and only program of choice, even if it isn’t

  • If you are not accepted into this program what are your plans? Your answer should never be that you will stop trying to become a CRNA, they want to know how committed you are to this profession and this goal. Always tell them you will apply again next year while working to better your résumé

  • Describe a difficult patient you took care of in your nursing career and what you did for this patient- This question tests your skill level as well as your professionalism. They also want to know your critical thought process while taking care of a difficult patient. Choose a patient scenario ahead of time and rehearse what you did so that this question doesn’t catch you by surprise

  • What is your biggest weakness? This question is asked in almost every interview. Make sure you prepare a weakness that sounds like a strength (I’m very dedicated to my work often at the cost of my personal life, etc.) Make sure that you also reveal steps you have taken to improve

  • What is your greatest attribute? This question is also very common. Basically, they want to see how confident you are in your abilities. Make sure you do not sound smug when answering this one

  • What is your plan to pay for CRNA school? School is expensive and these programs want to make sure you at least have a plan of paying for it. Tell them you have a rich uncle, you’ve been saving since you were 10, you plan on taking out loans. Whatever your plan is, or might be, make sure you assuage their fears and make them know you will not be dropping out mid-year due to lack of funds

  • Describe an experience you had with a difficult doctor and how you handled the situation- This question tests your ability to deal with difficult social situations. It also tests your reaction to authority figures and how you handle yourself in uncomfortable circumstances. Remember to mention that you got a manager or other “higher-up” involved before things escalated too far. Mention that you used respectful language while also standing up for your opinions and beliefs

  • A doctor tells you to give a medication to a patient during surgery and you think the patient would not benefit from receiving this medication, what would you do? This question assesses your ability to think and practice independently. Your answer needs to show that you understand CRNAs don’t simply take orders from surgeons, but rather work with them collaboratively. You must speak up if you don’t agree with something. After all, you are the final defense/ advocate for the anesthetized patient

  • If you found out that one of your classmates was romantically involved with a CRNA preceptor, what would you do? This question is basically the same as asking what you’d do if you found out one of your classmates was cheating on an exam. They want to know that you will represent the school with honor and integrity. Unfortunately, no one wants to be a “snitch”, but the correct answer here is that you would report the student to the faculty

  • Describe your shadowing experience- Make sure that you had one first of all. Be able to discuss certain situations you experienced or observed the CRNA doing during your shadow day. Again, reiterate how impressed you were with the CRNA and all the things they do on a daily basis

  • You are preoping a patient and they tell you that they want an Anesthesiologist to provide their anesthesia, not a nurse, what would you say/ do? This question tests your knowledge, again, of the difference between the two professions. It also assesses your ability to explain what CRNAs do and how you deal with a difficult patient. Quite a loaded one so be ready for it

  • What are your hobbies? This question tries to get a glimpse of you outside of work/school. It shows them that you have ways of destressing, which is very important during school. Whatever you do, don’t say that you have NO hobbies, or that your hobby is watching TV on the couch

  • If you could have a job that was not in the medical field, what would it be? There’s no correct answer here. Say whatever you want. Make it fun or funny if you’d like. This is a chance for them to see the real side of you. I had an interviewee tell us he would be a pantomime in the streets of Paris. We had a good laugh and he was accepted to the program. Not because of his pantomime skills, but it helped

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