top of page contains information that is the sole opinion of its creator, and based on personal experience.  The content provided is meant to assist you in getting into CRNA school, succeeding as a student, and prepare you for the job market upon graduation.  No promise or guarantee is made that using our products/ services will get you into school, or desired job.  Always follow the rules and regulations of your program, hospital, or workplace.

  1. LINKS- Throughout the site you can find helpful links to other websites, apps and services.  I do not endorse any information, content or products found on these sites/ apps, nor support any opinions  found therein.

  2. PRODUCTS- All products and product links mentioned on this site are meant to assist and supplement your studies.  Commission from these products is used to help fund the running and upkeep of the website.  I am not a representative or affiliate of any products, nor am I responsible for any product content or condition.  Use your best judgement when purchasing online products.

  3. COMMENTS-  Comments and discussions are both welcome on this site.  However, I reserve the right to delete/ block any comments or users that contain foul language, inappropriate content or try to use this platform to advance their own agenda

  4. VIDEO INTERVIEWS- All necessary material for mock interviews must be received 24 hours before scheduled time to allow for proper preparation, or interview must be rescheduled.  Refunds for unused services will be assessed on an individual basis.

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