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Nail Your CRNA School Interview

So, you’ve scoured the net for weeks looking at multiple sites and YouTube videos about what to expect from your interview to CRNA school, right? You’ve spoken to friends that went through it already, and read countless posts and blogs to feel prepared. The problem is, your still nervous and dreading the moment. You know what? I don’t blame you. Getting into CRNA school isn't easy, and the interview is a crucial part of the process. As more and more programs convert to DNP, admission is more competitive than ever. Everyone wants to nail their interview and leave it feeling like their acceptance letter is already in the mail. The only way to do this is to practice, practice, practice. I ran practice interviews with my family, my friends and even practiced my answers in the mirror for weeks before my actual interview. I walked into my interview feeling confident and ready for any question they threw at me.

Our Mock Interview Service will personally help you feel ready for the big day. The mock interview includes a live face to face (via skype) question session, a review of your answers and suggestions to make them better and less generic, pointers on how to stand out among the crowd, and follow up guidance if needed. We will use your résumé to personally tailor questions for your interview. Our main goal is to get you as ready as possible for your interview and have you walk into it feeling confident and prepared.

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